Click here to read more about our experience and journey with Shark Tank!
Co-founder and CEO, Harriet Mills, alongside her husband, Patrick Mills, flew out to LA to share their successful growth by providing an inside look at their current business model with Wine & Design. Harriet, a millennial entrepreneur stepped into the tank eager to evaluate her fast-growing business from a different perspective.
The morning before her TV debut, Harriet and staff were up early at 4:00am for hair and make-up with m e r a k a i beauty!! They even had their very own trailer!
Nerves were kicking in high gear, and it was finally showtime!
Instead of just pitching the numbers to ABC’s “shark” investors, the pair behind the wine-and-sip franchise brought out “Richard,” a model who – to the surprise of the “Sharks,” completely disrobed. It’s a bachelorette party, Mills explained onscreen amid shocked faces. – Triangle Business Journal, 2017
"Does Richard come with every party?" said Lori Greiner
"When we put this on Shark Tank, their reaction was 'Oh my gosh', they were yelling to the producers 'Oh my gosh I can't believe you're doing this, this is crazy' and all I could do was laugh because it was funny to see their reaction." – Harriet Mills, CEO/Founder
It's a WONDERFUL Day! Wine & Design hooked a deal with Mr. Wonderful, Kevin O'Leary!
“I’m happy that Kevin is part of the team and he brings lots of good partnerships to Wine & Design” – Harriet Mills, CEO/Founder
Kevin O'Leary experienced his first pARTy at our Wine & Design Burbank (Magnolia Park) studio!
“It's a very successful model because if you can get more franchisees to open faster, everything works for everybody,” O’Leary said a recent interview. “I want the franchisees to become rich. That's the whole point of this.”
A few months later, Kevin O'Leary debuted his modeling side at our Wine & Design Wake Forest studio for a Shark Tank Update follow-up and celebrated our 1 millionth masterpiece!
Are you ready to join the pARTy? Learn more about Franchising opportunities and bring a Wine & Design to your city!