
Art Buzz Kids: After School Art Club

Tue. Nov 26   -   03:45 PM

1.25 hours long

$35.00 per ticket

All fields with (*) are mandatory.

Hurry, availability limited, only 8 tickets left!

All events are non-refundable

Artist: Walker Stanley

Greensboro, NC
1821 Pembroke Road
Greensboro, North Carolina


A class for kids! For ages 5 through 10. If your little one is ready to sit, paint and follow directions without getting too antsy, let's get painting. If not, please wait until they get a bit older and can handle the class. Keep reading below!

Art projects will be extremely creative and age appropriate. Projects can be anything from a painted canvas to DIY projects. All will be creative and fun!

This is a paint along class with a private teacher. We are thrilled to teach art to our little friends. We are not disciplinarians. Students will need to use inside voices so that everyone can hear the instructions. If there is a problem, causing an instructional and friendly environment disruption, we will have to ask that the student leave the class. Parents will need to arrive immediately to pick up. We certainly do not want to do this so please take careful consideration in signing up.

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot offer refunds. If you cancel with 24 hours notice, you will receive a class credit to be used within 60 days. We reserve the right to cancel class with less than 4 students.

Drop off: 3:45pm Please do not drop off before that time. Pick up: 5:00pm Please pick up on time: Late fee is $15

Dress your child in paint-friendly clothes. Please add child's name and age to comments area when registering.

No cancellations within 24 hours, no-shows are non-refundable. If you have any difficulty making your payment online, please email [email protected].